The beach location is 5 minutes away from the center business of Matina which all your need is their like shopping, market for all fresh of varieties of fruits and vegetables, meat and fresh seafood's, gym, money exchange, restaurant and food chain, and many more you need. Seagull beach Resort is easy and accessible to ride over there using or ride by tricycle, motorcycle, jeepney , and taxi.

The Resort is good for all occasion known like wedding reception, debut party that is Filipino birth day traditional party when the girl reach at the age of 18 it means the girl are allow now to make her own decisions with out the permission of the parents she can make her own decision to separate her parent, stand her own feet and can get married. The beach is very safety for over night they have rooms also where you can stay, lovers is so good in here. they have own restaurant. Have a white sand which you can proud and clear water you can enjoy.